제목 Feng shui 글쓴이 dosul 날짜 2009.07.01 11:51
hi, it looks like the long rainy startining. please take a reference of this article about the ideas of the westeners of 풍수.
Understanding Feng ShuiCNN's Tony Harris describes the essence of Feng Shui and how it can benefit a person's health.


HARRIS (voice-over): Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement and arrangement of space. The goal is to achieve harmony with the environment and promote prosperity, good health and wellbeing.


ROBERTA GRANT, LICENSED FENG SHUI ADVISER: Getting rid of the clutter makes you feel healthier, makes you do things better, makes you move around more. Health is very important -- the way you eat. It's all related.


The bedroom in feng shui is for rest, romance and rejuvenation.


HARRIS: Roberta Grant is one of many licensed feng shui experts who practices what she teaches. She says to achieve a healthy feng shui friendly environment, you must first examine the flow of energy, or chi, in a particular space, whether it's in your home or office. Then adjust it, if necessary.


R. GRANT: I cleared away the clutter, which is such a big thing, and everything -- the energy started moving and people would walk in and say your place looks great. And my husband felt it and my career just took off. And the prosperity started coming in and everything changed, definitely.


HARRIS: It's all about balance between two key elements -- yin and yang. Yin is considered feminine energy while yang is associated with masculine energy. Both are opposing forces, but they can compliment each other nicely in life and in your living room.


R. GRANT: I personally have to have a lot of natural light. And I find most people do, too. Now, that is a yang person. A yin person likes the doom, the low ceilings. But if you're a yang person, you want to have all that light.


HARRIS: The practice of feng shui is more than 3,000 years old. In Imperial China, only a handful of astronomers and scientists were entrusted with the secrets of feng shui. But now we're all in on the secret.


R. GRANT: Feng shui really is not a religious-based belief. It is more common sense and it's more about energy. And everybody can practice it.


HARRIS: East meets West in homes across the country. And it's not just a chick thing. Grant's husband has become somewhat of a feng shui aficionado himself.


CLAY GRANT, ROBERTA'S HUSBAND: Roberta has been nice enough to let me be involved in the feng shui decisions, even though she's the expert on it.


HARRIS: Feng shui is so popular that real estate agents  are studying it, hoping to appeal to clients who swear by it.


R. GRANT: I've helped real estate agents. I've gone into homes and helped prepare them for sale and they have sold. Getting rid of the clutter, again, is so important. And when the real estate agent tells the client to get rid of the clutter, they won't do it. But if I walk in there and tell them why they should do it, in order to have the energy move so people can see that the place feels good when they walk in.


HARRIS: So the next time you feel your home is a little less than, well, harmonious, consider swinging into feng shui.


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