제목 WHO Declares H1N1 Flu a Pandemic : PBS 글쓴이 dosul 날짜 2009.06.17 18:22
hello, i want to share this article with all viewers who warry about our world really.
WHO Declares H1N1 Flu a Pandemic In other news, the World Health Organization declared the first global flu pandemic in 41 years, and four Chinese Muslims detained at Guantanamo Bay were released to Bermuda. WHO Director Chan
JIM LEHRER: In other news today: The World Health Organization declared swine flu a pandemic. It's the first global flu epidemic in 41 years.
The infection has now spread to 74 countries, infected nearly 29,000 people, and killed 144.
We have a report narrated by Tom Clarke of Independent Television News.
TOM CLARKE: Since swine flu first appeared, the name of the game has been containment, stopping the virus escaping into the wider world.
Today, the World Health Organization finally admitted that game over and declared the first flu pandemic in 40 years.
DR. MARGARET CHAN, director general, World Health Organization: The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. We are in the earliest days of the pandemic. The virus is spreading under a close and careful watch. No previous pandemic has been detected so early or watched so closely in real time right at the very beginning.
TOM CLARKE: Swine flu has now arrived in 74 countries. There have been significant outbreaks in Chile and Mexico, where the disease originated.
North America has seen the most cases, with 13,000 in the U.S. and 2,500 in Canada. But there are now 1,200 cases in Australia and 822 in the U.K. Public health experts have told Channel 4 News the virus is now spreading beyond clusters here. The government will soon have to abandon its containment policy and start treating only the most vulnerable cases with drugs and vaccines.
But, as the W.H.O. warned today, it's the poorest countries, without surveillance or drugs, that will fare worst as the pandemic widens.
JIM LEHRER: In the U.S., health officials said they will not change their response to the swine flu. The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the government has already been treating the outbreak like a pandemic.
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